Inner Alchemy Artworks


Is this you, my darling?

  • You’ve been through something that’s had an impact on you. This experience, however big or small it seems from the outside, has changed you forever.

  • You want to make sense of this experience and let it become a story of how you evolved into a more whole and powerful version of yourself.

  • You want a vision to hold onto. Something to remind you of your power on the days when you forget. 

  • You want to honour and celebrate yourself and the journey you’ve been through - you want a visual representation of the alchemy that’s taken place within you. 

If this is you I have a treat for you…

Inner Alchemy Artworks is an experience where you and your transformation are witnessed and interpreted into an artwork that you can keep for the rest of your life.

Are you ready to experience how art can be a catalyst for your inner transformation?

Some of the previously made Inner Alchemy Artworks

  • Inner Alchemy Artwork no. 01 — Vanessa

    Inner Alchemy Artwork no. 01 — Vanessa

    Before she became a mom, Vanessa lived her life from the outside in.

    She did all she could to please her surroundings; not listening to her boundaries, saying yes not to upset anyone.

    She always put on her mask before leaving home; makeup and wigs that would hide her locks. Because she was taught that beauty was a polished surface.

    But then she became a mother of Elias and Aliyah.

    And she realised that the way she lived her life was how she role modelled for her children how they should live theirs.

    Her body was now transformed into a mother’s body. At first it was hard for her to accept it. She did all she could to remove the stretch marks on her belly. But they were there to stay.

    And it turned out that her mom-belly is THE thing that calms her daughter down. Every evening Aliyah cuddles her mom’s belly and tells her how much she loves it️ Not even knowing what a journey her mom has been through with her body.

    Vanessa realised that the stretch marks were a blessing. Not only a beautiful souvenir witnessing her transformation into motherhood...

    They also taught her that true beauty and enoughness is not obtained from the outside.

    It’s cultivated inside of us, first planted like a seed and then watered and taken care of through little acts of self love. And one day it is a garden in full bloom.

    Today she sets boundaries. She focuses on a few things at a time. She leaves home without makeup (though she still loves and enjoys putting it on every now and then for certain occasions!).

    And she shares her journey openly with the world. Because she not only wants to inspire her children but also you and me. To live in integrity and to love ourselves for who we truly are.

  • Inner Alchemy Artwork no. 03 — William

    Inner Alchemy Artwork no. 03 — William

    After having been through the loss of three father figures in his life, William was emotionally shut down for many years. But during a weekend in the woods of southern Sweden, together with about 30 other men, everything changed.

    This original acrylic artwork captures the last evening of this weekend in the woods. After 48 hours of challenges and inner growth, William felt deeply connected to humankind and the four male archetypes. They were important catalysts of his growth during the weekend; the king, the warrior, the magician and the lover. All of the archetypes are incorporated in one and the same male figure.

    I wanted to represent the king through the whole male figure. He symbolises care, devotion and structure. He is the ruler of his empire, but he cannot rule alone. A balanced king works in symbiosis with the other archetypes.

    The magician archetype helps him see that which lies beyond our everyday sight. He’s deeply connected to the web of life and holds the perspective of the greater whole. I chose to represent him through the bird crown, located in the crown chakra and the third eye.

    The lover archetype is connected to the universe and all of life through his heart. Therefore, I painted the heart, which the king holds with tenderness in the area of his own heart.

    The warrior archetype sets boundaries and holds a steady course towards his goal. He ensures survival and holds a fiery energy. He’s represented in the root chakra of the king, through the men dancing around the fire.

    When the warrior is connected to his heart, he can overcome any obstacle, and so I wanted to illustrate that connection through the smoke which links the two.

    William is one of around 70 000 men who’ve been through this kind of personal development training through The Mankind Project. As I finished the last details of this painting, the war in Ukraine broke out. It intensified the feeling of this painting being a prayer - not just for William, but for all men. To find, own and deepen their mature masculinity. I felt such gratitude that Mankind, and the kind of men who’ve been through this training, exist.

    When masculinity is immature, it creates wars and kills people + the planet. But when it’s mature and in heart-connection, it serves the greater whole of humanity and Mother Earth. And I truly, deeply believe that a healthy kind of masculinity alongside a healthy kind of femininity can overcome all of the challenges that we face as a species.

    These masculine and feminine essences exist within us all and as we do our own inner work with them, we also heal the masculine and feminine on a collective level.

An Inner Alchemy Artwork is so much more than the final piece of art — it’s a magical and emotional journey!”
— William

Some examples of experiences that can be turned into an Inner Alchemy Artwork

  • Becoming a mother

  • Learning to love and accept yourself as you are

  • Starting your own business

  • Recovering from a disease or burnout

  • Getting married

  • Getting divorced

  • Losing a loved one

  • Becoming an elder

  • Graduating

  • Finding a new hobby

  • Getting to know new depths of yourself

Your experience can look big or small from the outside, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it meant something to you.

The process

  1. You fill in the inquiry by answering a few questions about yourself and your journey.

  2. We meet for a video conversation. Together we explore and make sense of the journey that you’ve been through. You don’t need to have all the answers - you just need to show up as you are. You will be held and guided as we explore your journey and how it’s transformed you.

  3. I interpret your journey into an artwork. The result looks different every time. Sometimes the artwork is a portrait of you, but it can also be a more abstract representation of what you’ve been through. It all depends on your preferences combined with what intuitively comes up for me as I interpret your unique experience and transformation. 

I only open a handful of spots at a time. Right now there are only 3 spots available!

What People Are Saying


“Can you imagine having a real and deep conversation about your life and your experience and then have a person visualise and capture it in a beautiful portrait? The fact that she included my children makes it even more beautiful. I got really emotional when the portrait was revealed to me. It is so pure. This will be a steady reminder of my strength, my beauty, my capacity to overcome hardship, my journey of self love and the beautiful and bright future that is ahead of me.”

— Vanessa

“I’m in awe of Amalia’s interpretation of my story, and the artwork turned out beautiful, peaceful, and strong. I feel touched, blessed, and deeply grateful to Amalia for her willingness to listen to me, and capture my story.

Throughout the process, I have felt complete trust in Amalia. I have felt seen and heard with my wishes. Amalia has been communicative and honest, and perhaps what I appreciate the most, is her ceaseless appreciation, optimism, warmth, and passion for her work and the people around her.

An Inner Alchemy Artwork is so much more than the final piece of art - it’s a magical and emotional journey!”

— William

“I’m looking at the painting right now and I feel warmth in my heart. It’s like your artwork has captured my unique experience and everything I felt during the birth and the first time we met our daughter. As I’m looking at it, this feeling of life being magical awakens in me. I feel happy every time I see it. It reminds me of the most beautiful moment of my life”

— Elin


You don’t need to know what kind of alchemy that’s taken place within you - you just need to have been through an experience that’s been impactful for you. Together we will make sense of it and how you’ve evolved through it... And then I will paint your Inner Alchemy Artwork.

What is Inner Alchemy?

Alchemy is the art of taking something that at first glance seems to be ordinary, of no value or even bad and evolve it into something that’s hugely valuable. Throughout history, different versions of alchemy have been practiced across the world. A more commonly known kind of alchemy is the endeavour of trying to turn regular metals into gold.

When I refer to Inner Alchemy, I refer to the evolution, or transmutation, that occurs within you. Inner Alchemy is the art of looking at the things within ourselves that, at first glance, seem ordinary, of no value or even bad - and transform it into something that makes you more powerful and whole as a human being (and beyond).

Every experience we go through in life - be it becoming a parent, graduating, facing death or finishing a degree - can be a catalyst of Inner Alchemy, if we choose for it to be.

The Inner Alchemy Portrait experience is my way of helping you to make this choice… To see how whatever it is that you’ve been through, in fact, made you stronger, wiser and more whole. I help you capture the experience you’ve been through, within and without, and I help you to find and see your own inner gold.

Q & A

Can I give this as a gift to someone?

Yes, you absolutely can! Be sure to fill out the inquiry form at least 2 weeks before you want to give it to your loved one. Once you’ve filled out the form, I will get back to you on whether I will work with them. If I say yes, you will receive a gift card that you can give to your loved one on the occasion. We then schedule a time that suits them. The gift not only becomes the artwork in itself but the whole experience of being witnessed and interpreted.

What if I don’t know exactly how I want my journey to be interpreted?

You don’t need to know that prior to our video call. You don’t need to figure that out by yourself - part of the experience is to be held and witnessed by me, the artist, during the call. I will interpret and help you make sense of what you share with me. Your only job is to be true to yourself and to trust the process ❤️

Other questions?

Send an email to


My story with all of this

This offering turned out to be a huge part of my own Inner Alchemy. The years I’ve spent deep diving into personal transformation and communication skills are coming together with my passion for art.

Finally, the women’s work, the rewriting of motherhood, the shadow work, the feminine embodiment, the leadership training, the silent meditation retreats, the ongoing quest to understand myself and others on a deeper level… It all makes even more sense now…

Each time I work with a new person and paint their inner transformation, I go along on their journey. It’s almost as if I was there, and the things they felt and learned are somehow adding on to my own life experience. 

Making art to make sense of my own transformation has been a huge piece of the puzzle for me. Something profound happens when your experiences, emotions and insights are visualised and materialised. I’m immensely grateful to have found a way to share this gift with others. It combines the two things I love the most; people and painting. 

Offering the Inner Alchemy experience to you, and seeing the impact it has in people’s lives, means the world to me. On my artist path, it’s grown into the greatest alchemy I could ever have wished for.